Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Let Me Be a Guinea Pig!

Friday, June 24, 2011
What are Friends For?

My awesome friend Julie is a tough Scot. Like many from this fair land, she barks and growls but is also loving and sweet at the same time. For her, if there’s something the matter, you do something about it and if you can’t do anything about it then you go get yourself some whisky and drink yourself silly and then get on with it. She is very practical and at the same time very empathetic. When I tell her that I’m unwell, I can see her eyebrows twitch like she’s feeling my pain and then she always offers some sweet words encouragement. But there’s another side I see when I talk to her about my illness and it’s a mixture of fear, and perplexity.
She is certainly someone who values stoicism with a shot of humor. I love this about Julie for it makes her a pillar of support for many difficult situations. But since my disease is a chronic issue, I am somewhat reluctant to discuss it with Julie. As there is no acute problem, I fear she will see my plaints as whining.
I believe that people without illness fear illness. It’s a lot easier to put on that hospital gown the second time. When I go into a hospital, I am prepared to shut off and give myself over to the medical staff. I’ve accepted myself as a patient and have learned to do this. Many people I know have never had to do this and the thought of being in this position makes them very uncomfortable. I know that Julie is very afraid of sickness and when she tries to sympathize with me a lot of fear comes up.
Another reason for my reluctance to discuss my illness is that she just can’t get it. The fact is unless you have first hand experience with illness, then you just can’t relate to it. Not only do you not relate to it, you don’t want to relate to it. Being sick is not what my friends want to talk about.
I like that my friends see me as a healthy person but it does cause me to hide an important side of myself. An old friend of mine from elementary school started having many health issues in her late teens. She would often go on about her aches and pains and medications and I swore that I never wanted to be like that. But the fact is, sometimes, when you are ill- that’s all that it’s about, you have nothing else to talk about.
So when I am at my worst, I don’t go to Julie or any other friends for support. I really don’t feel they have much to offer since they just don’t know how I feel. If I really did need them to be there for me, I know that they would rise to the occasion, but so far it hasn’t come to that.
I am curious to hear what other people with chronic illness experience with their friends. What is a good friend when it comes to having a chronic illness?
Monday, June 20, 2011
Looking for a Vice

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sick and Sexy

One of the inspirations for this blog was a movie I saw recently called, Love and Other Drugs. In this film, Anne Hathaway plays a 26 year-old free-spirited woman who's in the beginning stages of Parkinson's Disease. Jake Gyllenhaal plays a shallow womanizer who lands a position at a pharmaceutical company as a sales rep. The two meet in a local clinic where Jake's character is trying to get a doctor to start selling Zoloft instead of Prozac. The story follows their relationship that starts out as casual and develops into something meaningful.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Stigma or Aura?

Friday, June 10, 2011
Confessions of a Supplement Junkie

I spend so much money on supplements. Sometimes I look at the shelf with all my supplements (yes, I have a whole cupboard dedicated to them) and see the price tags and rip them off because I'm so embarassed at how much I've spent on them. Lately, I've started ordering them online (yay! no price tags!) and I wait... when the package finally arrives, I actually get excited!!! Weird, huh?!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Flowers for Algernon

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011
Just trying to keep up

Sunday, June 5, 2011
what is this shit, anyway?

I have crohn's disease. A few nights ago, I was struck with this incredible drive to start this blog where I would open up about my disease and bring my thoughts and experiences out in the open. I jumped out of bed and chose a name, and a URL. But once I got over this initial excitement, I then started thinking realistically about what I am going to say. What angle do I want to take? Do I want to make it a humorous blog detailing the potentially embarrassing races through town trying to find a bathroom? Do I want to make it a blog about coping with crohn's, with a focus on therapies and treatments? Or did I want it to be a spiritual blog all about my healing journey?