My early life was stressful. My parents fought with a bitter intensity. Though there was certainly a lot of love and care given to us in those early years, we were living in a hostile environment. I learned early on that it was important to just keep up. I didn't ask questions, I just followed my older brother and sister and did my best at being happy.
When I went to school, I used the same strategy. I daydreamed and retreated much of the time and then looked at what others were doing. I always did okay. I was smart enough to ask or copy from the right people. I was rarely engaged in what we were doing but if others around me were doing well, then I did too. I had to keep up with others, that was my motivation. I never wanted to outdo my classmates, I just didn't want to be noticed as someone who couldn't keep up.
As an adult, I feel there are Superwomen all around me, and I just can't keep up. I see women who juggle full-time jobs, 3 or more young children families, aging parents, health regimes, and they have bright smiles on their faces and they're eager for new challenges. Fortunately, I realized quite a while ago that I can't keep up with this. My body won't let me. Unfortunately it's always hard to know your own limits. When I take on too much, my body reacts and then grumpiness and sadness set in, and I become so self-absorbed, I just want to hide away because I don't want anyone to know that I can't keep up, I'm falling behind.
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